Thanks so much to everyone for participating in our What’s in a Name Contest!! I loved reading all of your entries and am so exciting to a...
Thanks so much to everyone for participating in our What’s in a Name Contest!! I loved reading all of your entries and am so exciting to announce the winning names! If you see your winning t-shirt name below please send an email to with your information. Since you win the shirt YOU helped name, we only need your Size and mailing address.
Thanks so much again to everyone who entered!! Promise there will be many more contests to come :))

Congrats Olivia Dello Buono who named this shirt “The Andie.”
When I saw this I immediately got flashbacks of a young Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink. She was an icon of style in the 80's, and rightfully so. It makes sense to pair this chic shirt with an iconic film character.
**I loved the name of this shirt, especially because I love just about every movie that Molly RIngwald was ever in!! Pretty in Pink is one of my favs! And have a thing with naming Boy names to shirts :)

Congrats Amy Rouse, who named this shirt "Possibili-tees."
… Because it's white and the message makes you think of the possibilities...
** Love this. College is all about possibilities and pursuing your dreams. Always reach for the stars!
Congrats Jess Santopetro who named this shirt the "Up All Night" Tee...
Because when you're in college you're up all night either studying or partying ;-)
** Yes indeed and when you’re out of college it seems to be work & play. Of course I work in the city that never sleeps so liked this especially.

Congrats Rina Red who named this shirt the “Drama Queen” tee.
This tee represents the Drama clubs.. A boy meets a girl in drama club and shared their first kiss on stage.
** .. and so begins the story of Boy Meets Girl :)

Congrats Karen Pontti who named this shirt, the “Naughty-n-Nice” tee.
The idea that bad girls eat candy implies that there is some sweetness in is all
**..Enough Said :)
Thanks so much again to everyone who entered!! Promise there will be many more contests to come :))
Congrats Olivia Dello Buono who named this shirt “The Andie.”
When I saw this I immediately got flashbacks of a young Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink. She was an icon of style in the 80's, and rightfully so. It makes sense to pair this chic shirt with an iconic film character.
**I loved the name of this shirt, especially because I love just about every movie that Molly RIngwald was ever in!! Pretty in Pink is one of my favs! And have a thing with naming Boy names to shirts :)
Congrats Amy Rouse, who named this shirt "Possibili-tees."
… Because it's white and the message makes you think of the possibilities...
** Love this. College is all about possibilities and pursuing your dreams. Always reach for the stars!
Congrats Jess Santopetro who named this shirt the "Up All Night" Tee...
Because when you're in college you're up all night either studying or partying ;-)
** Yes indeed and when you’re out of college it seems to be work & play. Of course I work in the city that never sleeps so liked this especially.
Congrats Rina Red who named this shirt the “Drama Queen” tee.
This tee represents the Drama clubs.. A boy meets a girl in drama club and shared their first kiss on stage.
** .. and so begins the story of Boy Meets Girl :)
Congrats Karen Pontti who named this shirt, the “Naughty-n-Nice” tee.
The idea that bad girls eat candy implies that there is some sweetness in is all
**..Enough Said :)